Andy MacKinnon on Mushrooms and Plants, Nov 1, 2024

Metchosin Talk and Walk Series


Join us at the District of Metchosin Council Chambers at 7:00 pm, Friday, November 1, for a slide presentation by Andy MacKinnon on “Fabulous Plants and their Fungal Friends.”

The Metchosin Biodiversity Project has recorded a thousand species of plants and a thousand species of fungi (lichens included) in Metchosin. These plants and fungi form all sorts of partnerships that allow the partners to mutually flourish in fabulous fashion. This Talk & Walk will explore various forms of plant-fungal partnerships including lichens, mycorrhizae, mycoheterotrophs, and more. Partnerships between these kindred kingdoms–fungi and plants–vastly enrich our Metchosin lives.   

The next morning, at 10:00 am, Saturday, November 2, we will meet at the Clapham Road entrance to Metchosin Wilderness Park to look for funga living in partnership with Metchosin’s flora. Finished by noon.(If you have mushrooms at home you would like to have identified, please bring them to the walk.)

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